1. Pre-monsoon check: Get a thorough per-monsoon check done for your vehicle. This includes batteries, tires, headlights and signal lights, electrical wiring, brake fluid, brakes, engine fluids and wipers.
2. Windshield fluidity: Keep the windshield wiper full at all times. Once it stops raining, the windshield can become really dirty, impairing visibility. Use the windshield to wipe the windscreen clean.
3. Ensure proper wheel alignment: Incorrect wheel alignment may increase braking distance by atleast 15%. Please ensure that your alignment is checked and proper.
4. Beware of Hydroplaning: Hydroplaning or aquaplaning in a vehicle occurs when a layer of water builds up between the wheels of the car and the road surface, leading to loss of traction which prevents the vehicle from responding to control inputs. Ensure that your tire pressure has been properly checked and drive slowly.
5. Keep safe distance: Distance between two vehicles should be twice the usual space maintained in dry weather as vehicles take longer time to halt during slippery monsoon conditions, compared to dry season.